La célèbre mannequin américaine d’origine palestinienne Bella Hadid a réagi sur les réseaux sociaux suite à l’annonce, de la reconnaissance officielle par les États-Unis de Jérusalem comme étant la capitale d’Israël.

“J’attendais d’exprimer cela avec des mots parfaits, mais j’ai réalisé qu’il n’y a pas de manière parfaite d’évoquer quelque chose d’aussi injuste”, écrit Bella Hadid sur Instagram.

?I’ve been waiting to put this into perfect words but I realized there is no perfect way to speak of something so unjust. A very very sad day.Watching the news and seeing the pain of the Palestinian people makes me cry for the many many generations of Palestine. Seeing the sadness of my father, cousins, and Palestinian family that are feeling for our Palestinian ancestors makes this even harder to write. Jerusalem is home of all religions. For this to happen, I feel, makes us take 5 steps back making it harder to live in a world of peace. The TREATMENT of the Palestinian people is unfair, one-sided and should not be tolerated. I stand with Palestine. There is no hate against anyone… My best friends I call sisters and brothers are Jewish. There are no sides… All religions living side by side.. Now it is Just one has always been a factor of trying to bring peace… Where is the hope..?

Une publication partagée par ? (@bellahadid) le


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